Introducing… Ash and Tom’s new campervan and bewilderingly exciting ‘fixer-upper’ project!
We have our own wheeeeeeels! FINALLY! This opens up Tassie (and the mainland) to us in seriously big ways. We’re honestly beside ourselves with excitement.
Further backstory and before/after transformation images and videos to come soon. We have BIGGGGGGG plans for this beast! Much love!!
We have more news. I’m being brave, going solo and ‘following the fun’. The dream is to make money through doing something I enjoy; designing websites. Bring it on!
This decision came after weeks of applications and interviews for Marketing Roles here in Tassie. I was landing interviews and proud of how presented myself to the working world, but after a particularly rough day of job hunting Ash came home to instead find me working on my latest Feral Sites client website.
“How did job hunting go today?”
“Awful. I hate it. I still don’t think I ever want to work in marketing ever again. I’m just working on Daniel’s website to cheer myself up. My heart just isn’t in presenting other people’s ideas anymore.”
Just like that, we recognised what needed to be done. Feral Sites needed to ‘go official’ and become, one day, the main mega-earner for us. Working on websites for people genuinely makes me happy. I love it. Ash found me working on a customers website to ‘cheer myself up’. It doesn’t feel like ‘work’ to me. Let’s do more of that, then?! AWWW YEAHHH!
Ash and I spoke at length about the decision. I’m going to get a part-time job to secure income whilst developing Feral Sites into a powerhouse web design agency. Since I’ll no longer be exhausting my creativity for the benefit of an organisation other than my own, I feel ‘complete’ and like this is absolutely what I need to be doing. The decision has immediately swapped out feelings of apprehension regarding getting back into marketing for powerful notions of pride, ambition and self-belief. Ash of Jequitiba and Felony Sweepstakes have also stood to attention since the decision. This new direction is certainly going to benefit these other children of mine, too. Incredible.
It’s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock and roll), but I believe I have what it takes to launch a successful business. It won’t be easy, especially in such a hotly contested market, but bring it on.
Anyway, I’m gushing. Sorry. I’ll round off this update by saying that progress developing the business has already been amazing. Not the least because Feral Sites is exactly that now… an official business. Registered in Australia on the 11th May 2021. Tom Humphreys is a business owner. Unbelievable. Thank you to everyone who helped get me here, not the least the one and only Ashleigh Carden. Megababe.
Check out my official business listing, yo!
So yeah, watch this space beautiful people. Feral Sites has been unleashed and is on the prowl for new customers.
Fear not – colossal video updates covering our move to Opossum Bay and my life-changing time working at Westerway Raspberry Farm are on their way. Apologies from us both for the radio silence! It’s been a crazy busy time for us both and all will come to light, but in the meantime we’re overjoyed to share that – finally – TOMMO’S VISA HAS BEEN GRANTED!
Blood, sweat and tears went into the application for this visa. So many of our plans for the future rode on getting approved. This visa allows me to stay in Australia for up to 5 years – an incredible amount of time to continue our wild adventures and empire building escapades. Simply put, I (we) absolutely love it in Tasmania and feel like this could be ‘it’. We feel empowered by our home, prospects and lifestyle. We feel inspired by the mountains, the wilderness and the wildlife. We feel that Tasmania could be our forever home.
… we’re still DEAD SET on an epic return to the UK though. As soon as humanely possible. We talk daily about seeing all of your beautiful faces again – ideally in a pub setting.
Extremely excited doesn’t even cut it at this stage. As of today we have both handed in our notices at work, we have been through a combined ten vaccination injections and the next four weeks are packed full of visits with our family and friends. Let the count down BEGIN! …. 33 days to go.
Amazon-proof? Questionable. Frankenstein’s Monster of a contraption? Correct.
After weighing up the pros and cons of obtaining a DSLR camera for the trip, I’ve instead opted to retrofit my dutiful Huwaei Honor 9 mobile phone with a variety of select components to achieve a much more expedition-friendly deal. Here’s what the aptly nicknamed ‘MegaRig’ is made up of:
- OptixMania ‘Maniac’ Flexible Tripod
- Spigen Rugged Armour Case + Screen Protector
- Distianert Camera Lens Kit
- Rode Videomic Pro (Attached via superglued cold shoe mount)
The benefits of this setup are;
- Battery life (to be charged by portable solar panel)
- Waterproof (…ish…at least moreso than a Canon or suchlike)
- 64GB internal storage (courtesy of the Honor 9 model)
- Lightweight and easy to carry. This whole setup can easily fit into a day bag.
- Discreet. At least inbetween points A and B on an expedition.
- Improved zoom and macro photography (courtesy of lens kit and a key need of mine!)
- Collapsible and fun to put together. Looks like the offspring of two Mars rovers.
Looking forward to putting this to the test! Early test results are great and (luckily) punch past the novelty factor.

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Tom, Brit, Jequitibá.
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We are working with a leading environmentalist in Peru to protect an important region of the Amazon rainforest. Find out more.