Our Collective Travel Gear
AKA The Greatest Gear-run Ever
Behold! Ash and Tom’s collective travel gear …somehow all fitting into our two rucksacks respectively.
Scroll down for an interactive image with hotspots detailing what each thing is! We can’t lie, it’s been the greatest shopping endeavour ever. We both love the outdoors and camping so to have a genuine reason to really step up our game on this front (the Amazon is intense, yo) and acquire the necessary stuff to thrive has been amazing. It feels like we’ve been to every outdoor shop in the UK. Thrice.
All of our travel gear laid out, Tom’s on the left of the bed and Ash’s on the right:
Hover over each point below to find out about each item Tom is taking:

Cargo Shorts
All Terrain Walking Trousers/Shorts
Harem Pants
A gift from India from Ash 🙂
Tie Dye Wifebeater
Long Sleeve White Shirt
Long sleeved to protect arms from biting insects
Long Sleeve Grey Shirt
Dude Shoes – Army Levante
On recommendation from the one and only Nath
Woolly Hat
£1 from Download Festival. For the Andes.
Black Snood
Thanks Mum!
Black Crocs
Or “Chomps”, the discount-brand version.
Easthills Jungle Explorer Hammock
With built in bugnet (super fine mesh)
Easthills Flysheet and Biodegradable Pegs
Large Rucksack Raincover
Sleeping Bag Liner
Waterproof Jacket
Distainert Phone Camera Lens Kit
Portable Solar Panel (Fold Out)
Toiletries & Repellents
Zoom H4N Pro Field Recorder
Collapsible 15Ltr Daybag
Mini SAS Survival Guide
Origins of Species
(Had to be done)
All Weather Notepad
Hanimex Binoculars
Travel Docs Wallet
Free-Gripping Tripod
For creating Feral Sites on the road!
Portable Hanging Light
Black Diamond Headtorch
Measuring Tape
For measuring Ant highways and massive leaves (there’s a competition on…)
Lightweight Tripod
Travel Wirelock
Smith & Wesson Flicknife
Opinel No.12 Folding Knife
‘Old Faithful’
Knife Sharpener
Magnifying Glass
Travel Cutlery
Small Wire Lock
Mosquito Headnet
Tibetan Yak Wool Shoal
From the amazing Feel Earth Collection (link below)
Beautiful Tibetan Yak-Wool Shoal sourced from the Feel Earth Collection, a truly amazing supplier of earthy products from distant lands. Check them out!
Hover over each point below to find out about each item Ash is taking:

Medication & Toiletries
First Aid Kit
Easthills Bugnet & Biodegradable Pegs
Easthills Jungle Explorer Hammock
Microfibre Travel Towel
Sleeping Bag Liner
Waterproof Jacket
Jungle Hat
Fox Beanie
Thanks Julia!
Hiking Boots
From the Souks of Morocco!
Packing Stax
AKA Travel Cubes
Mosquito Headnet
Crayons & Wildlife Stencils
For our Scouts Club volunteering in Puerto Inca 🙂
Canal Themed Playing Cards
Opinel No.9 Folding Knife
Black Diamond Headtorch
Travel Washing Line
Swimming Goggles
Bamboo Tuffbrush
Travel Cutlery
Fold Out Fan
Hanimex Binoculars
All Weather Notepad
Black Shirt
Blue Shirt
Longsleeved Plaid Shirt
Longsleeved Blue Shirt
Longsleeved Khaki Shirt
Sexy Shorts 1
Sexy Shorts 2
Chillout Pants 1
Chillout Pants 2
Jungle Pants 1
Jungle Pants 2
Plug Sockets.
Yep, these deserve to be in the picture.
And, amazingly, we can somehow successfully pack all of this gear down into our rucksacks:
This is AMAZING!!!
So typical of you two – and that is why I love this update.
Ma x
Soap will be in my toiletries bag! Not quite interesting enough on its own to make the upfront cut alongside the knives, jungle explorer hammocks and suchlike 😉
I wasn’t planning on using soap…
Portable solar panel for 5V recharging???
Indeed! 2x USB outputs and we’ve sourced all the necessary bits an pieces to use it for our phone and the Field Recorder. No more getting caught out by a lack of batteries. Here’s hoping, anyway!