Whittakers (NZ) vs. Cadbury (UK)
In a small win for NZ, Whittakers takes out champion chocolate in the Humphreys-Carden household. Blind tested with a control chocolate (NZ Cadbury bar), Whittakers wins best and most creamy chocolate by far. Ash not surprised.
This can’t be right, I demand a recount, the Russians have influenced this poll …. (and other outrage)!
There was no numbers on the papers, so they could have been switched around …..
More chance of the moon landings being authentic than this result ….
etc. etc.
(look forward to our own testing when the Whittaker’s arrives 🙂 )
Whittakers chocolate going to be sent your way. Please recreate the blind test with Julia!
Say what!?
I gotta come over there and try this myself 😉
Bring it on…
Ma x
You are always welcome! I will have chocolate and cheese ready for your arrival.
Actually . . . Tom’s brainwashing started long before this test, having been fed with copious quantities of NZ chocolate including one session involving a 1.2 kg x 45 cm tall choc desert (photographic evidence available) plus endless advertising for Whittakers featuring British personalities . . . . he’s clearly developed a taste!
True, that desert was the biggest ice cream based thing I have ever seen. But… I believe it was made out of CRUNCHY BARS. Hmmm maybe we need a bigger and more inclusive chocolate test!