Tingo María in photos
Tingo María, what a place! A city characterised by the forest clad mountain ranges surrounding it in every direction you look (one of which forms la bella durmiente a huge figure of a slumbering woman as a back drop to the city – breath taking!). Tingo María was Huánuco’s smaller, more relaxed, more natural sister city. We are getting closer to the Amazon Basin and here you can begin to feel it. We got to stay in a proper jungle hut – think rain on a corrugated iron roof vs cicadas vs dogs howling vs roosters crowing all night long.
From exploring forest for the first time in the huge national park, to swimming in waterfalls, picnicking with butterflies, having moments in caves and drinking “Amazonian whiskey” (or “Jungle Juice” as we liked to call it), Tingo María was one non stop adventure with mother nature becoming increasingly more present. We really loved it here.
Oh and we found our first leaf cutter ant colonies which was special!
Adiós, Tingo María y la bella durmiente <3
Speechless! these are stunning photos – waterfall swimming…heaven 😉 X
It was indeed! Amazing place, Tingo Maria National Park. Had it all to ourselves too!
Again, absolutely STUNNING photo’s.
The scenery looks amazing (not so sure with the rice on your meals!), even the town and feral dog photo’s look appealing 🙂
Have either of you been bitten yet?
Thank you kindly! Not been ill yet so the rice can’t be that bad, haha. Wait till you see our next update r.e beautiful stray dogs. We’re inundated in the best way in Puerto Inca.
Amazing, how do you fit all this into your days, how do you know where to go to find these stunning locations, so many questions?
On site at CRT will never be the same again!
Hey Mike there’s stunning stuff to do everywhere. I’m sure we have missed loads too. Google helps though! Also yljust asking locals as they are all really friendly and helpful!