Art of the Barranco District, Lima

We heard from our friend Fer that Barranco is the coolest district in Lima. Exploring the area quickly turned in to a self guided street art tour as we were blown away by the sheer amount of awesome art here. A couple of jugs of beer, a few picarones (peruvian doughnuts) and 26,500 steps later we have these cool pictures to share with you. Spot the dog!

4 replies
  1. Julia Humphreys
    Julia Humphreys says:

    Hey to the glorious humans,
    This is an amazing, visual intro to the beginning of your travels – looking like the most incredible journey is on! The street artwork is so emotional, inspiring and beautiful.
    Lovin’ it.
    Ma x

  2. Kevan Humphreys
    Kevan Humphreys says:

    Hi both,
    so glad you traveled well, and your adventure is now well and truly underway!
    Love the arty photo’s – yes, even I can appreciate this, looks like it’s all lovingly crafted by some seriously gifted artists. Liking the look of ‘the streets’ in some of the shots as well.
    Will look forward to all your updates,
    much love, Pa


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